Roflumilast or Azithromycin to Prevent COPD Exacerbations (RELIANCE)

What is the RELIANCE Study?

This study is designed to compare azithromycin and roflumilast to prevent COPD flare-ups and hospitalizations. Both azithromycin and roflumilast are FDA approved drugs, and have been shown to reduce the risk of flare-ups, but it is unclear which treatment works better compared to the other.

You might qualify for this if you have:

What Will My Role Be in the Study?

The trial works with your doctor to randomize you to receive a prescription for either azithromycin or roflumilast. This is like a coin-flip, your doctor does not choose which medicine you are prescribed. You will be in the study for at least 6 months, and up to 3 years. No research visits are required, and the data will be obtained by review of your records. Your doctors will continue to provide your care, and you will receive phone calls from the study team every 3-6 moths.

You will be compensated for your time.


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